Friday, January 29, 2010

Internet boys

I have recently come to the conclusion that decent guys exist only on the internet.
You know what I'm talking about. I have plenty of very lovely guy friends (well, more like 2). But most of the teenage boys (or even older) that I come across are simply a little strange. Scratch that, they're the cause for EVERYTHING THAT IS CONFUSING ON THIS EARTH. But on the INTERNET:

VlogBrothers (Hank&John):


charlieissocoollike Pictures, Images and Photos

alt="Friday: JohnnyDurham19 Pictures, Images and Photos"/>

Alex Carpenter: Alex Carpenter! :D Pictures, Images and Photos

See? Those right there, are incredible. And there are so many more that I was too lazy to find pictures of. The Pottercast boys. The Mugglecast one's, though I've never listened to their show much. The rest of the fiveawesomeguys. All the Wizard Rock guys. ANDREW SLACK from the Harry Potter Alliance. These guys are nerdy in the most incredible way imaginable. Because they're simply made of Awesome. They do good things and help charities and write quirky songs and write books and they don't try to be too cool and they're generally not too full of themselves and AHHH THEY'RE JUST TOO PERFECT. Seriously.

I guess they probably exist out there in the real world. But it's so much harder, because you can't just type in "Harry Potter" and BAM, you have this amazing guy. Who lives a trillion miles away. Who doesn't know you exist. Who is like 5 years older than you at least.


At least I know the feeling's mutual, right?

Monday, January 18, 2010

HP fans for Haiti

Harry Potter fans really know how to come together to help people in need. Just a reminder that if you're thinking of donating to the Haiti Relief Fund, that you can easily do it as a Harry potter fan HERE at the Leaky Cauldron.

Much love and support to the people who are in Haiti Right now.



Saturday, January 16, 2010

Blog Title goes here?

Well. Now that I know that Flocking apparently occurs everywhere and that it was nothing special or unique and that I probably just made myself look completely stupid...I guess I can go on with my day-to-day activities.

Today I did absolutely nothing. Well, that's not true, because you are never doing absolutely nothing and I know this because I've pondered it since I was like 4 and tried my hardest to do nothing but you can't because you're always thinking or breathing or sitting or standing and if you're dead, then you're being dead, which is something. ANYWAY. I danced around my room this morning. It was probably more like late-afternoon, because that's how we homeschoolers do it. Then I ate leftover Chinese food from my Dad's birthday last night (<3). Then I watched Breakfast Club. Then I ate some more Chinese food and an apple. Then I wasted the day away on Facebook and Youtube and chatted with my friends on FB chat which FAILS but I always seem to use it because I'm too lazy to sign in to AIM... So basically I was completely and utterly lazy today.

I'm re-learning how to knit. Oh yeah, you know it's awesome.

My life today sounds like that of the old cat lady that I'm worried I might become...and I don't even like cats.


Friday, January 15, 2010


Here's a little more proof how weird our town is. Or maybe I'm out of the loop, and they do this everywhere. But this is like the 4th time I've seen this. Pink plastic flamingo's strewn ALL OVER people's front lawns. One of the first time's I saw this, they were accompanied by a big sign that said "You've been flocked by the [Insert name of city here] cheerleading squad!"
My first thoughts were "Cool! I wanna be Flocked!" (Because I love pink flamingo's, obviously). But I don't know if it's like symbolic of something, or what. Maybe it's a bad thing, like being TP'd. Or maybe it means you've made it on to the Cheer team or something. Either way, it's a pretty weird-yet-awesome site. Has anyone else seen this? Please tell me if you know what it means. Haha.

Love from,

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


First blog entries are always the hardest. I have all these ideas in my head so I think "Hey! I'll start a blog!" but then, come time to write something, I get a little lost. I guess I could introduce myself, but if you're reading this that probably means that either A. You know me and found out about this on Facebook or because I told you, in which case you already know a lot about me, or B. You're some creepy stalker guy who found this blog on accident, in which case I don't really want you to know anything about me. And anyway, I have a whole paragraph about myself over there in the corner, because I'm a self centered, egotistical teenager.

I had a blog before, but I haven't used it in over a year, and no one read it except my friend Ashley anyway. So I figured I'd start fresh. It's not going to be very interesting, because my life is pretty average. I'll post about my day, which will be uneventful for the most part. I'll post about books I'm reading. Maybe some movie reviews. Long, geeky rants about the latest Glee episodes, once they return from their annoyingly long break. I'll talk about my friends. And how being a teenager kind of sucks sometimes because people are FREAKING WEIRD AND NO ONE IS EVER STRAIGHTFORWARD ABOUT ANYTHING AND PEOPLE GIVE YOU LOOKS IN THE GROCERY STORE LIKE YOU'RE NOT COOL ENOUGH TO BE THERE EVEN THOUGH IT'S FREAKING SAFEWAY AND THE ONLY PEOPLE WHO GO THERE ARE OLD PEOPLE AND DRUGGIES WHO LISTEN TO RAP. Which is gross. Yeahhh, I really needed to start this blog. Because the people who live in this town are crazy and I want to move downtown or to some mega cool neighborhood as soon as I possibly can.

Can I just go off on a little rant about this town real quick? OK. So we live in a really cool area. There are lots of great things within driving distance and there's lots of cool stuff going on and it's a great place to live if you homeschool. HOWEVER...we live in a smallish town just out of the city. It's a nice, safe, suburban neighborhood at first glance. There are lots of elderly people, I guess. And a lot of young ones, but not the kind I'm looking for. We live by a high school. Almost every day, when I leave the house, I have to drive by these groups of kids who are about my age. You can tell they're just standing there staring at me thinking "You don't go to OUR school." and I swear, their heads literally turn and follow me as we drive away. As far as I can tell, there are two groups of teens who live here. There's the super athletic girls, with the high ponytails and softball shorts, and the Jockey, square-jawed, athletic boys who wear theyir sports jacket things and chunky tennis shoes everywhere. Yeah, I'm not an athlete, and I tend to get annoyed by them. Especially the guys. Sorry, I'm sure they're perfectly nice, but I always get that instant "Ugh" feeling from them, which I think is instinctual and means that I will never, ever be able to get along with those sort of people. Then there are the somewhat cool (in my opinion) kids. The skaters and the kids who wear Converse and cool band t-shirts and that sort of stuff. But there's a group of them who gather at the end of our street every day to smoke. My dad says they remind him of crows, the way they huddle together under the trees or whatever. I've got a feeling any mildly-cool looking person who lives here is on drugs. Which definitely isn't what I'm looking for. I just want to find people who think like me I guess. People who listen to cool music and have similar political views or whatever, but who have some RESPECT FOR THEIR BODIES.

Ok, I think I'm done. I don't know why I went off on that little rant there. I was supposed to be writing my introduction thing, right? I couldn't think of anything to write, and I just started thinking of that, so there you go. Sorry! Anyway if you know me or whatever, and have an account, you should follow me :)
